
It only seems like yesterday that it was 2010 and I had started my course but here we are 2011 and my final is tomorrow, gulp! Ok so the ECDL my not sound a biggie but considering the last time I sat an exam I was fifteen is a little nerve racking.... Who am I kidding, sat an exam! I never sat one in my life, well I did just never did them. My exams consisted of sitting in the hall, turning over the paper, writing name and class then nothing, yep that's right, nothing. Maths was boring, English boring in fact all classes were boring. My old maths teacher used to give out homework to everyone except me, one of the kids asked why one day and was promptly told because I didn't do it, well he was right. School five days a week you had to be joking, three if you were lucking and it never started before eleven. I would finally appear with my school tie as a belt, head band or not at all, in denim jeans and jacket ( a big no no) and immediately sent to the headmaster who gave me a telling off and detention, my entire third year was spent doing detention, I had written the school rules that often I knew them off by heart although I did notice one day he never fully read them so started writing rhubarb instead, ha ha. It wasn't because I was stupid, I just wasn't interested, none of the classes got my attention and back then girls did girls stuff and boys did boys, if I had been allowed to do mechanics I would have excelled and computers well they weren't all that techno then hell even Windows 98 hadn't come out. So here I am many years down the road and I'm doing classes at collage, I may as well get some qualifications on my obsession with computers. The work its self is fine but class's, apparently your supposed to attend every week, eh! Oh well I still passed the first two exams.

The last part of The Circle Redemption is now up HERE. Having gone as far as I can with this story the first of the last five chapters will be up soon but don't worry I have a new story coming, again in the realm with some old and new faces.


  1. Hi Iron Mum, firstly well done on passing your first two exams. I was never one to like exams either. The whole studying thing drove me banana.

    Lol at you writing down Rhubarb instead!

    I was catching up on The Circle tonight and went to make a comment but was unable to. I'm not sure if you've disabled comments or not, or it's something else. Just wanted to let you know though. I really wanted to leave a comment after what I'd read! :)

  2. Hi Jennifer,
    The studying was nuts, I was seeing Boolean and BCC in my sleep but I think I git through ok.

    The Rhubarb was my get back and it showed he never read it.

    I'm not sure why you couldn't post a message, I haven't switched it off, will keep my eyes on it.

  3. Blogger must have been acting up again, because I was able to leave comment on The Circle, all caught up! High five for passing your exams, good luck with the rest!

  4. Hi Drew and thanks, think I did ok with that one but will know next week.

    Whatever was wrong seems to have stopped so fingers crossed.


About Me

My photo
Tain, Ross-shire, Scotland, United Kingdom
I'm married, three kids and two grandkids, I'm also mad as a hatter.


Here you will find my stories made with the Sims 2, most of them will be about Vampires as I am completely nuts on them but anything I can think of will proberly end up here, I fell for the game when my eldest daughter came home with Sims 1.
As well as my stories I love horror and scifi movies.
I'm also a metel head and enjoy most heavy metel from Iron Maiden, Slipknot to Epica and Nightwish, oh! I suppose I should mention I'm married with three kids.
Warning! my stories will contain bad language, sex and violence, hell! you can't have a good story without them.
