It exists in the shadows, unseen by mortal eyes, a place where the unbelievable live, the war that ravaged the land finally after decades is over, a nervous peace resides.
There are ones that keep watch, making sure the peace is not shattered but there are others, soulless ones that want to dominate the land, in doing so they can cross over, control the mortal realm and destroy everything.
Graverage was one such being, seeking out a book called the Grimoire, a powerful and dangerous book, in his possession he would have absolute power, been able to wipe out anything or anyone with a snap of his fingers....he lost and disappeared, the Grimoire hidden.
A year has passed since the battle that saved Umbrea Mundous and the mortal world, those involved sigh in relief and remember the lost.
Life goes on.
A storm moves in, slowly it passes over the Helgaler province and the Jarcia mountains towards Alkendulf.
Those with the gift recognise the signs and understand, it is an omen, a warning of things to come.
Ardara woke from a restless sleep and looked out the window, something was wrong.
The storm had lasted two days, roaring so loud you could almost feel the ground shake as lightening turned night into day. Life ground to a halt, sheltered from the storm they nervously waited for it to pass.
Dressing she stepped outside, everything seemed fine, looking over the river towards Alkendulf she could make out the villagers as they returned to work. Still the feeling persisted....
Ignoring the rain Ardara tried to shift the horrible feeling, in the twelve months she had been her all had been calm, peaceful. Twelve months....was that all it was, it seemed like a lifetime, things had changed a lot in that time.
She had changed.
The rain got heavier, landing on the ground with a plop.
The battle flashed before her eyes, it had been harsh and exhaustive, her powers unused for years were surprisingly strong.
An oil lamp was knocked over, the fire that spread through the building devoured all in it's path; they had escaped, thanks to him.
She watched in horror as the fire burst through the roof, she could hear her screams as the windows exploded showering herself and her Grandfather in glass.
Ardara tried to get back in, desperately wanted to save him but it was no use, Grandfather held her back, told her it was too late.
Her heart ached for him, at night, when it was dark and quiet she could feel him beside her, feel his touch.
Shaking the thoughts from her mind she went back inside.
Ardara walked into the village, it was early so there wasn't many people about, most of the men folk were out either in the fields or hunting, the woman doing their chores. Walking over to the stalls she greeted Eron. "That was some storm, I started to think it wasn't going to stop, do you think it meant something?" he asked anxiously. "No, no I sensed nothing, it was just a storm"
"Thank goodness" Eron smiled with relief. Ardara looked over the tables, the scent of herbs and spices mixed with the delicious smells of freshly baked bread and cured meats. Picking up a few spices and some cheese she paid Eron then went to look at the crystals. Her monthly visit was a necessity, rarely did she leave her home preferring her own company, everyone in the Sel province knew where to find her.
"Hello Ardara, how nice to see you" Ardara smiled warmly at the woman, "Hello Nissa"
"Has it been a month already, my how time flies when your my age"
"Now Nissa you're only a hundred and fifty, that's not old for your kind" The Elf laughed, "True but sometimes I feel a lot older, I was wondering if you could make something up for a friend of mine, she's been quit ill the last few days and everything I've tried hasn't worked"
"Of course, I'll send it over this evening"
"Thank you my dear, why don't you come over for some green tea" Nissa asked politely, then in a hushed tone, "I want to speak to you"
Five minutes later Ardara sat with Nissa."That was a terrible storm, Nissa commented, thank goodness it's over"
"I hope there was no damage?"
"No, even the crops survived, I heard a few trees break but we were lucky" Ardara nodded, "One of my apple trees caught fire but I manged to put it out" Nissa leaned forward, "Tell me my dear, what did you think of it?" It was not normal, yes they had storms and bad weather but this, this was different. "I mean, did you feel anything" Nissa watched the young woman's face. Feel anything, she had had this sense of dread ever since, "Yes, I felt something"
"I felt it too, something is wrong, very wrong" the Elf remarked sadly. "Any idea what?"
"Not really, all I know is there is danger, for you"
"Me?" Ardara was shocked. "I think you should move into the village for a while, it will be safer" Ardara reassured Nissa, "If I'm in danger then it will happen wherever I am, it is destiny"
"Even so, you do not want to tempt fate"
"I'll be fine"
"Maybe but I'll be happier if you moved here, at least till we find out what's going on"
"I'll be Ok, honestly" Ardara stood. Nissa hugged her tight, "Very well, be careful"
The cauldron boiled furiously, throwing coloured sparks into the air. This should help Nissa's friend. As Ardara stired, her mind went back to the conversation earlier. Why was she in danger and from what or whom. She was grateful for Nissa's offer but she had to stay here, the corn was nearly ready to harvest and her fruit and veg needed tending, no she was better here. Adding a few drops of Fairy dust she let the cauldron stir itself while she found some newts eyes.
There were a lot of creatures in Umbrae Mundous not all of them good, her house sat on the edge of Secor forest which was one place you didn't want to visit at night, in the daylight it was relatively safe, the werewolves only moved at night and the Belam's new she was a friend.
A knock on the door broke her thoughts. "Can I help you?"
"I'm looking for a witch by the name of Ardara"
"You've found her," Ardara suspicious of her sudden visitor, "what do you want?"
"Your Grandfather sent me..." Ardara now concerned, "My Grandfather! Is he alright..."
"He is well," easing her fears, "I am in a spot of trouble and he thought you could help, look I would much rather discuss this inside." Cautiously She slipped the latch, "Come in"
"Please sit down" Ardara offered politely, keeping her distance. "Thank you, please you have nothing to fear from me" She nodded but old habits die hard, she only ever trusted one of his kind. "So why have you come, what does a Vampire want with me?" The man smiled, "My name is Olaf, I'm from the Ebonblood clan, you have heard of us" Her heart jumped, "Perhaps, but it doesn't answer my question..."
"I am being hunted by my own kind" Olaf said with sadness, "I have knowledge, information that some want to keep quiet"
"And what do you know that's so important?" Olaf studied the floor, "I'm afraid I can't tell you, only that it is imperative I stay alive"
"And I'm to believe what you say?"
"Sorry I can't help" Olaf laughed, "Philip said you would be difficult" then turned serious, "All I can say is involves someone"
Ardara froze, Graverage, after all this time, "He's here?"
"He's close" After his defeat she had heard nothing and hoped it would stay that way, she understood the cloud hanging over her, the feeling of dread....he was back. "I have been hiding in the forest; Philip thought it better if I came to you"
"He thought you could hide here under their very noses, it makes sense" Olaf nodded, "He said I would be safe in your hands" he paused, will you help?" What choice did she have, her Grandfather was right, this would be the last place they would look for him....she hoped. "Very well"
The flames from the fire suddenly erupted, bathing the room in a warm glow.
Olaf held his breath as the light caught her. The glitter in her skin, the sign of a good witch sparkled against her paleness, her blue eyes a stunning contrast to her hair which was as dark as night. "Well I suppose if you're to stay here I better supply you with a coffin and some clothes" Olaf looked down at what he was wearing, "What's wrong with what I have?"
"You may get away with that in the castle but here you'll stick out a mile" Ardara rose, "Give me a few minutes to sort thing's out"
Olaf looked down at his new clothes, well it was different he chuckled, it was a bit itchy but then he was used to silk. From a distance he would look like everyone else as long as they didn't get to close, he couldn't do anything about his eyes or fangs, this world showed as you are warts and all. He was surprised at how easy it was, the lie about her Grandfather really worked, as long as she didn't speak to him. There didn't seem to be much chance of that, in the twelve months she had been here she had spoken to the old man twice, rarely did she leave her home let alone Umbrae Mundous. He had seen the sadness in her eyes, her reaction to the name Ebonblood.
Entering the main room he watched as Ardara cooked, the smell of herbs perforated the air, his keen nose identifying each one. He looked round, her home was small what he would call a shack but it was dry and warm, better than the damp earth he had slept under the last few days. Her cauldron simmered in one corner a purple blue smoke emitted from it, above on two of the walls were shelves with bottles and jars, dragon scales, unicorn horn and what the hell was essence of Vampire. Ardara lifted the spoon and tasted, the action reminding him he needed to feed. He gave a cough, making his presence known. "I trust you found everything"
"Yes thank you, I have to go for a while" Ardara understood, "Stay close to the house and don't be to long"
"Yes Mother" Olaf smirked.

"I'm afraid not, all I have seen is as you say a darkness, like a black fog but more solid, I see it and fear it but know not what it is"
"It shields itself well" Nissa nodded, "I can't get through, it's as if there is a invisible wall, how is the Vampire settling in?" Ardara was surprised, "You know about him?"
"Of course dear, I saw him" If the old woman knew anything she wasn't going to let on, Ardara knew Nissa's visions could be cryptic but other times she felt she was deliberately holding back.
Returning home she changed and made lunch. She had left the door open; a warm breeze moved round the room covering everything in it's warm embrace, catching the curtain to her room it lifted it giving her a glimpse of the casket. Ardara had never seen a Vampires coffin up close, not even his she ran her hand over the polished timber, the warm wood hiding the cold creature inside. She imagined what it was like to lay inside, staring at the lid waiting for darkness. A face swam in front of her, his blond hair dancing in the breeze, she reached out, as she drew close it vanished. The ache in her heart grew stronger, forcing it's way to the surface. Falling to the floor she wept. Olaf listened as she sobbed into her skirt, laying trapped in his prison called darkness, waiting.
Emerging from the forest, he wiped the blood from his mouth with a grimace, Olaf had hoped to catch something good but unfortunately time had been short. He had been away longer than he planned Ardara would start to worry, spotting a wild pig he had made do. He liked Ardara a lot, perhaps to much, he had asked to be replaced but it was not possible, she would be suspicious. With no other choice he had to control his feelings, not let them grow, he knew it would never be returned. The day he had heard her crying had almost broken him, desperately he wanted to hold her, tell her it would be ok. Instead he endured the sound of her torment, the tears revealing every twist of the invisible knife.
In another few days the corn would be ready for harvesting. This was the best part of the job; there was satisfaction in growing your own, soon it would be ground to make flour which would last her the winter. Suddenly she felt sick; the nausea rose from her stomach followed by a feeling of trepidation, as quickly as it hit it was gone.
It was coming, whatever the dark shape was it was moving this way....towards her.
Straightening she calmly walked to the house, her head held high refusing to show fear, only when she got indoors and sat did she realise how much she was shaking.
She sat watching the fireflies darting in between the flowers the light from them like tiny shooting stars. Having Olaf around had opened old wounds, a pain she had locked away, during the day she could keep busy but at night, at night she wished he was here, his lips on hers their bodies locked together. She had not even got the chance to say goodbye. They had told the police they were passing and saw smoke, no there was no one inside. Returning the next day she had wandered the ruins searching, hoping that she would find something but there was so much ash she didn't know where to begin. At home she had waited, watching the windows at night but as the days turned to weeks she knew he was gone. Ardara was a Witch, thanks to him she learnt to accept it, moving to the Umbrae Mundous to watch over the land but also here, she felt closer to him.
"It's a beautiful night"
Olaf knelt, "If it wasn't for the mist you would be able to see Ebonblood castle"
"The mist never lifts from the Farbane plains"
"No, not in my time anyway" he laughed.
Ardara stayed silent, Ebonblood, she knew the clan, he had been one of them.
Olaf couldn't feel witches feelings, no Vampire could but it didn't mean he didn't know, he only had to see her face, the sadness in her eyes; it was his fault, the reason she was fighting her emotions, he wished he could leave, give her back the peace she once had but it was impossible, he had to stay.
Taking a deep breath, he could smell the flowers and the grass, freshly turned soil, in the distance he could smell a stag but mostly he could smell her, from the home made lavender soap to the blueberry pie she had baked this morning....he was getting too involved.
"Goodnight Ardara" he murmured softly.
Two nights later, Olaf stood in the forest. An owl hooted as it watched him from above, the wind brushed the trees causing the branches to sway. Wolves howled in the distance, a small pack but just as deadly, never underestimate werewolves, they were powerful beasts that could rip a man apart in seconds, even Vampires were wary of them. A twig snap. A shadow moved, silently weaving threw the trees towards Olaf. Stepping into the clearing the light of the moon revealing shape it approached the Vampire. "Olaf, my friend"
Olaf turned and hugged the man, "My brother, I trust you are well?"
"As well as can be expected and you, you look better than the last time I saw you" Olaf chuckled, "It is amazing what a bit of comfort will do" The man nodded. Olaf became serious, "What have you found out?"
"He is here, you will need to stay close; I believe he will try soon"
"What of the other clans, is it true?" Olaf queried, not sure he wanted the answer. "He has been trying to build an army but although a few clans have sided with him it's wasn't enough, the others are to busy arguing amongst themselves" the stranger told him with some relief. "Good, we don't need another war"
"I must get back"
"Does she suspect anything"
"No, I don't think so"
"Good" the man smiled, "It's good to see you, be careful" Olaf clasped the man's hand and held it tight, "You to, hopefully this will be over soon" The stranger watched as Olaf disappeared into the darkness, he had felt his friends turmoil, the affection he had towards Ardara, he could understand why. But Olaf would do his job and when it was over he would move on. Olaf was one of the few he could trust, he moved between this world and the mortal, never staying in either for to long, but he was as honourable now as he was five hundred years ago, he had his weaknesses woman being one of them and he did love to party but deep down he was one of the few he would pick to be at his side in battle.
Things were going to happen and soon if his friend was right, every night since his meeting Olaf would walk round the garden, just in case. Now he sat reading. The door opened slightly, Olaf looked up preparing for a fight then dropping his book he jumped across the room his fangs exposed. Ardara laughed the music in her voice filling the room, bending down she patted the animals head. "DON'T!" Olaf warned.
She looked at him with amusement "He is my friend"
"It's a werewolf, they are dangerous" he replied watching the animal closely. Reaching into her pocket she gave the wolf a biscuit, "He only comes for the food, don't you boy" she asked the beast as she scratched his head. The wolf ate the biscuit seemingly enjoying the attention, finishing it looked at Olaf and growled, then turned and walked out the door.
Ardara poured the hot stew into a bowl. Olaf watched as she ate, still reeling from the shock, a witch that helps Vampires and werewolves. "I can't believe how that beast came to you, I mean the only time I have seen one of those close up is when they are ripping some poor fool to bits"
"I found him injured in my garden one night"
"And you helped him!" Olaf was astounded. Ardara turned, "Why not, he has the right to live"
"Werewolves are creatures with no compassion or thought, they hunt to gratify there blood lust, they enjoy what they do"
"The same could be said for you, I mean you were not always as you are now" Olaf had to agree, centuries ago his kind acted just like those dogs, hunting in packs, fighting, "You think they could change?"
"You did!"
Nissa sipped her tea; it was quiet, the villagers sleeping peacefully. Time for her to retire, the last few weeks she had not slept well, the dream persecuted her, the shadow relentless in it's search. Yawning she stood up, a heaviness hit, pressing down on her, hunting for it's prey the blackness shifted through the trees, moving slowly swallowing everything in it's path. Nissa fell to her seat; she felt the hatred, the overwhelming desire to destroy, it's hunger increasing. It was looking for some one, it wanted to kill to get revenge, suddenly it changed coarse, picking up speed. Nissa found herself in a garden, the flowers in full bloom their colours bright their scent strong. She knew the place, had visited often.
She was at a well, the water splashed as it was poured into a bucket. The blackness emerged from the forest; silently it made it's way towards her. Nissa opened her mouth to shout but her voice was frozen, she watched in horror as it drew closer it's hunger and rage to a point of madness. She tried to fight back but it was too late, the blackness engulfed her, did she really hear it laugh. It shifted; hovering for a moment then retreated back into the woods. Nissa lay on the ground, the bucket upturned next to her, she looked down at the prone figure. It no longer looked like her, her short gray hair turned black it's length fanned out around her.
Nissa's eyes opened, she understood now.
It wanted Ardara....
With Olaf out hunting Ardara finished off her chores, stepping outside she looked up at the night sky, it was unusually warm even for this time of year, a few dark clouds hovered overhead promising rain. Picking up the bucket she headed for the well.
The sounds of night creatures echoed through the Forest, turning the wheel she brought up the cool liquid. Something moved in the trees watching her, quietly he stepped forward. With his face twisted with hatred he approached, his fangs visible, his eyes darkening with excitement. Ardara filled her bucket. Stopping he watched her, savouring the moment.
Ardara tried to fight, just a second that's all she needed but he held her tight his fingers digging into her body, sharp sinking into her neck. His fangs plunged further, the excitement rising. If she could push him off, lifting her arms only for a moment before they fell like lead weights. She was getting light headed and weak; everything spun. He had waited for so long, he hated her, it was her fault, his dream was finally reality and it was sweet, so very sweet. He drank greedily, he wanted to drain every bit of blood from her but that would be too easy, he chuckled.
Holding her limp body he threw back his head, his roar turned into a manic laugh. "I'm not going to kill you, not outright; I want you to suffer for what you did, because of you I lost" Ardara moaned, the poison, his blood was rushing through her veins. "I can't have you sticking your nose in again, this time I'll be unstoppable" He grinned wildly, "You will die Dropping her to the ground he bent over her and spat, "I will be remembered for this, my name will ring through time for ever" Graverage walked back into the forest, shrinking into the darkness his laughter ringing threw the trees.
She cursed herself for being so stupid, she should have been more careful. Her body felt as if it was laying on hot coals, her limbs refused to work, she could feel her heart struggling, it wanted to pump, to send blood round her body but couldn't. Looking up at the sky she could see the twin moons of Umbrae Mundous, the stars twinkling above her, never was she to see this again. A calmness passed over her an acceptance of what was to be, she felt tired, closeing her eyes she waited.... A figure appeared from the trees, running across the grass, "NO!" So this is what Graverage had been planning, not content with obtaining the Grimoire he wanted Ardara dead.
Holding her close, "Ardara" he whispered softly, "I'm sorry, I should have been here, I'm so sorry" her lids closed she looked peacefull, almost sleeping. Only the blue tinge to her skin, the blood trickling from wounds that could only be made by one thing.... He needed help; surely someone could do something, the Elf maybe she could. First he had to get her indoors then when Olaf came back he would go and find the old woman. Kicking the door with his foot he placed Ardara on the sofa, "Ardara you must fight, please, you have to fight it....for me" He would never forgive himself, should have realised Gaverage would be planning this, his sick mind blaming her for his defeat. Holding her hand tight he waited.
The battle raged but not on land, this battle was from within. For a witch to be infected with Vampire blood meant death, neither the two shall mix. Nissa manged to ease the pain but could do no more, she would have to win this on her own. The silence would be broken by her screams, her body writhing in agony or the by the ramblings of a fevered soul but mostly Ardara slept. In the darkness of her mind the voices called to her, taunting her, telling her to give up. There was another voice, a deep soothing voice, it softly pleaded with her to fight. It was his voice, she felt his touch but no matter how hard she looked she couldn't find him.
Nissa looked at the others and shook her head.
Olaf was furious with himself; he should have stayed close. "I was only away a few minutes" he muttered, "Just long enough to feed"
"Don't blame yourself, it was going to happen" The man agreed "The Elf is right, you had to feed" Never the less Olaf wished his friend would punch him, how could he look him in the eyes again."We just have to wait and pray she survives" Nissa said calmly, if only she felt as sure as she sounded. The man leaned against the door, his eyes on fire, he was trying hard to control his rage, when he saw Graverage he would rip him apart....and he would see him.
For days Ardara lay, her body racked with pain. The Vampire blood spread through her body infecting her very core. She was in a tunnel, it was too dark to see anything but eyes, Graverage's eyes, they pierced the darkness watching her, his evil laughter surrounded her. Nissa saw to her, bathing her head with a cold compress; giving her something for the pain, Ardara moaned when she felt the woman's touch, the pain evident. Her mystic blood was strong, fighting back with all it's might, it wasn't going to let this intruder win but so was the vampire blood. Their battle continued, each refusing to surrender, their continuing ultimately meaning death.
Ardara groaned, slowly opening her eyes. Pushing the fogginess away she sat up.
"We have to find him" Nissa said, braking the silence. "And we will but we have to see if Ardara makes it" Olaf said almost in a whisper. "I have men out searching for him, now that he's out of hiding he should be easy to hunt down"
"Has anyone been in touch with Philip. I mean his daughter is dying and Graverage is on the move" The man turned, "Philip knows what's happening although I didn't tell him how bad Ardara was, he would have dropped everything to be here"
"He will not be happy when he finds out"
"True but he has to gaurd the Grimoire....." Nissa nodded, all the powers in the Umbrae Mundous may not be enough to stop Graverage.
Ardara heard voices; slowly she slid out of bed. Padding across the floor her bare feet not making a sound she stood in the doorway. Nissa was making dinner, Olaf sat on the sofa, both of them looked dreadful. Her eyes moved across the room to the man standing with his back to her. "Ardara! oh my goodness, you gave us quite a scare" Ardara smiled weakly at Nissa. Olaf jumped up, "I'm sorry, if I'd known...."
"It was not your fault, it was going to happen, it was written" calming his fears while keeping her eyes on the strange man, Ardara felt she knew him. "I am glad to see you are better" the man said softly. No!, it couldn't be....could it? The man turned, removing his hood.....

Ardara stared into crimson eyes, Vampire eyes, his eyes."Antone, it is really you"
"But how?"
"It's a long story, sleep and when you feel better I'll tell you everything"
Sleep, was he mad, "I thought I had lost you"
"How did you escape, I mean the fire?"
"Olaf, he was my back up although I didn't know it at the time, he got it into his head to keep an eye on me, just in case"
"But even Vampires can't escape fire!"
"No, I made sure the others couldn't escape and by then it was too late, a beam had fallen from the ceiling blocking the door" he shuddered at the memory of that night, "Olaf burst threw the door, risked the flames to drag me out"
"I had to let everyone think I was dead, it was the only way to flush him out, with me out of the picture he would feel free to carry on" She should have been furious but it would have taken to much energy, "I couldn't be in on the secret?" Antone snuggled into her, relishing her soft warm body next to his "I couldn't risk being seen"
"But my father knew" He shifted uneasily, "Actually he knew nothing" Ardara looked at him confused, "But he sent Olaf.....?"
"Err, no, he didn't, I sent him, with the Grimoire safe it became a court problem only, Philip knew nothing" Now she was mad, she had been tricked, lifting her hand to slap him.
Antone grabbed her arm. "Let me go!" Ardara demanded, wishing Vampires didn't have such speed. "Once you have listened to me, Graverage needed a Witch to benefit from the Grimoire and with Hestia dead I was worried he would go after you, force you to use it, Olaf was to make sure it didn't happen, we never dreamed he wanted to kill you, I let you down and for that I can never forgive myself" Ardara saw the pain in his eye's, "It wasn't your fault, how could you have known, it was meant to be"
"You nearly died"
"But I didn't" wrapping her arms round his waist, she had never seen his full Vampire form till now, his red eye's were almost mesmerising. Antone couldn't understand it, a Witch infected with his type of blood and survive was impossible. "You're amazing, beautiful...." Her heart skipped a beat as Antone weaved his fingers through her hair, his lips dangerously close to hers.
Wrapping her arms round his neck she kissed him. With a moan Antone pushed her down, his body pinning her to the bed, he should let her rest but he had missed her, missed her touch. His body was reacting, the fire that burnt between them reignited, his kiss became fevered, the blood in his veins roared, his groin ached. Ardara could feel him, his hardness pressing down on her, fuelling her passion, wanting more, her hand slide into his trousers. He growled then abruptly stopped, he looked at her, his eye's burning with excitement, "Not yet, when you are better" standing up he pulled the blankets over her. "Sleep, I will be here when you wake"
"But...." Ardara couldn't believe what he was doing.
"We have all the time in the world meus decorus alica castellannus" translating for her, "My beautiful spell caster" With a kiss Antone left.
Antone quietly let himself in.
Squatting next to the sofa he watched Ardara sleep, it fascinated him, his mortal self a dim memory, sleep to him was death. Vampires were creatures created from mortals, the could not reproduce, grow old and in most cases die, although there was ways. Only when the sun left the sky did they emerge, for centuries they were the epitome of evil existing only to gratify there needs, as time wore on they evolved, became more, clans were created and so did the need for laws. It was not always a bed of roses, as head of court he knew to well that if things were not checked, squabbles sorted then they could easily revert to the old ways. They were passionate, loving and making love was as intense as their desire for blood, contradicting their lifeless heart.
It had been two weeks since the attack and while Ardara was slowly recovering he was worried. He had noticed the changes in her; they were subtle but gaining strength. Vampire senses were strong, very strong, being able to hear, see and smell a lot more than any other, their strength was amazing, the only other creature to match them was the werewolf. Then there was the ability to read minds and sense emotions, but like all things they had their limits, Witches being one of them. Since the beggining of time they had never been able to read their minds, Witches had some sort of barrier that they could never penetrate. Ardara was able to hear and smell a lot further than before, the Vampire blood still in her, was it possible the two were merging?
Ardara woke and sat up, "How long have you been here, you should have woken me"
"Not long, I like watching you sleep" Gathering her in his arms he kissed her, "I have to go out for a while but they'll be someone outside"
"Can't I come with you?"
"No, I have to go to Ebonblood castle, sort a few things out, it would be best if you stay here"
"Do you have to go?" Ardara asked seductively, wrapping her arms round his broad frame. Antone groaned, his body aroused, "I do, but I'll be as quick as possible"

Most of them were familiar, the Kaldar, Vacon, Purhava, Cordale, and Fudar leaders he knew, one by the name of Larnia was new, she had taken over the Draghone clan after they had lost faith in the last one. He knew of Larnia, a good, fair person she didn't stand nonsense, she would make a good leader. As if finding their voices they all started to talk, permissions to increase their clan or to extend hunting grounds were sort, others wanted to clear werewolves from their forests. "My Lord, if I might have a moment of your time, in private" Bruxa stepped forward. "Please, friends, one at a time, Bruxa I will speak to you shortly"

"My Lord" Dante from the Vacon clan interrupted, "We cannot go in heavy handed, we know nothing of the layout of there castle...."
"Agreed, what do have in mind?" Dante took a deep breath, "I suggest we let word spread that the Witch is alive and well...."
"NO!" Antone roared, "Out of the question...."
"My Lord....." Antone shook his head, "She has been bitten once"
"And she lives" Mirella agreed with Dante.
"And if she's bitten again?"
"I will not allow the spilling of blood, by anyone" Antone looked at Dante, "Is that clear"
"Yes my Lord"
"But you are right, when Graverage finds out she is alive he will try again, this time we will be on our guard and Ardara will have to agree" Dante nodded, he disliked Witches and this one was no exception even if she was close to Antone, he just hoped his Lords feelings for her did not cloud his judgement. "Very well, I will speak to Ardara later" Dante bowed and turned, Vampires and witches had never got on, they used to call them Letalis per vox, Mortals with powers, humans who had the ability to manipulate anything or anyone. Over time Vampires had evolved, become more that killing machines but witches had stayed the same... powerfull, unpredictable, human.
With the meeting over the leaders left, all except Bruxa. "I have bad news, the Witches Grandfather was found dead three days ago" Antone was stunned, "How, his property was protected?"
"He was on his way home from a meeting; he was attacked before he reached it"
"Do they know what happened?"
"The Letalis believe it was a mugging gone wrong but...."
"...You think it was Graverage"
"Yes, the way he died was no Letalis work"
"A Vampire bit!" Bruxa nodded, "He died instantly, unable to accept the vampire blood," unlike his daughter, "No Mortal could do that"
"And what of the Grimoire, does he have it?"
"We don't think so, the house was untouched, there seems to be some sort of spell round it, we couldn't get through so it's safe, for now"
Antone hesitated, opening the door he found Ardara at her cauldron. Running into his arms only to be pushed away, she looked at him confused. "I'm sorry...." Turniing away from him she stared at the wall, she didn't have to be told, she could see it in his face, her Grandfather was dead."When?"
"Three days ago, we only found out tonight" Three days ago! Ardara kept her eye's fixed on a crack in the wall. "How?"
"The Mortals think it was a mugging gone wrong....."
"It was a Vampire"
"We believe so" he wanted to hold her but something in her voice stopped him. Vampires had claimed another of her family, the hate and disgust for the creatures surfaced again.
Ardara stared at the writing, reading it over and over again, why didn't she know, sense he was in trouble? She had refused to cry but now she couldn't stop the tears. Antone put his arm round her expecting it to be pushed away, she didn't but neither did she turn to him. Ardara had failed him, she should have been here, could have saved him. "There was nothing you could have done" Antone told her quietly "Maybe not but I should have been here for his funeral, said goodbye" He waited for the tears to subside, he to mourned for the friend he had lost. Eventually she went quiet stood for a moment then turned and walked back to the house. Wandering the rooms, she remembered happier times.
Eventually she came to the old bookcase, Antone watched curious as to what she was doing. Ardara removed a couple of books and putting them on the table she reached into the back of the shelf. With a click the bookcase started to move, "Wait!" she pushed Antone back and disappeared into the room. Within a few minutes she poked her head round, "Ok, you can come in now" Stepping through , he looked round. The room was covered in black wallpaper with stars, Philip did love the stars, candles floated round the room, magic keeping them in the air, his cauldron stood in the middle of the floor. Following Ardara's gaze..... The Grimoire stood against a wall in the corner. Ardara walked over and stared at it, refusing to touch the ghastly thing. "I'm now it's guardian" she whispered. Antone didn't like the idea of her being alone to guard this thing, "Very well. you and the book will come to Ebonblood castle, you will be safe there"
"It's the best way, you can't honestly think you can protect it by yourself" Walking over to a table Ardara picked up her Grandfather's spell book, this will have to be destroyed, did he really think she would allow the book to stay with Vampires even if she was there. "Grandfather did"
"And looked what happened, no I will not allow it"
"You have no choice, just as not telling my Grandfather that Graverage had surfaced, it was a court problem, the Grimoire is my problem, my duty"
"Very well" Antone growled, damn she was stubborn.
For the first time since it's birth the Grimoire was taken to Umbrae Mundous, the shadow world. On the top floor of the tower in Ardara's house it was locked away. With no door or windows it was impossible for anyone to gain entry apart from herself. Antone had thought her feelings for his kind had changed, now he wasn't so sure. He had no idea where she had hidden it, returning to the Shadow world in daylight she had hidden it while he slept.
As soon as night fell Antone made his way to Ardara's. She moved quietly round her home, not speaking just doing stuff that Witches do. Philip's cauldron was useless to anyone else so she left it behind, his spell book she had brought back with her. Antone sat and watched as she placed the book on the counter, pointing her finger she muttered something, multicoloured lights shot from her fingers and enveloped the book. Picking it up she walked over to the cauldron and dropped it in. Sparks shot from the pot as it boiled furiously, after a while the cauldron settled and went quiet, it was over, Philip's book was destroyed. Ardara sat next to him then turned, burying her head in his chest.
Antone held her tight.
Ardara was lost, since the attack she had felt a new strength, a power that was waiting to be set free, physically she was changing but mentally she didn't know. The changes she was going through confused her, she had noticed soon after waking from her deep sleep that she was no longer just a Witch, she couldn't explain it but she felt different, she kept quiet, not telling anyone not even Antone but her anxiety was slowly eating away at her. With her Grandfathers death, the last in her family she had wanted to push him away, her hatred for Vampires resurfacing until she had gone to the Mortal world. Standing at her Grandfathers grave she had broken down, somehow she had heard Antone's thoughts, felt what he felt. Yes he was a Vampire but he had been close to Philip, had loved him like a son. Ardara looked at him, he loved her deeply, as she loved him.
She kissed him, her hands sliding under his tunic.
Ardara kissed him again, her kiss was firmer more urgent, her hand slid down his body resting on his crotch. Immediately reacting, his red eyes turned the colour of blood. She could hear the blood coarse through his veins; her own blood, her heart pounding. He wanted this, wanted her so much, his kiss gentle at first became more fervent, his body pressed against hers. Ardara kissed back with just as much ardour, almost desperate, undoing his belt she worked at the buttons. A deep growl escaped him as her hand slide into his trousers, finding what she was looking for.
Moving her to the floor he slowly removed her clothes, kissing every exposed part. Tossing his own clothes across the room he knelt over her. She was as beautiful as he remembered, reaching for her hair he curled round his fingers, it was different from the close crop she had the first time they met, he loved the way it fell over her back, across her shoulders covering her breasts like a curtain. Ardara was almost shaking with desire. His hand moved to her cheek, caressed it with his thumb, "Ardara" he murmured. She smiled, her hand stroked his thigh, moving further and further up. "Are you sure?" she had been through so much.
Antone took his time, each thrust controlled, enjoying her emotions. There was no need for words, each in the others mind and body, feeling the others pleasure. He wandered her mind, everything about her open for him to read, she kept nothing from him, let him know every intimate thought even the Grimoire was revealed to him. Ardara explored his, saw how he was turned, wandering alone for centuries till he came to this world, became head of court, met her. His feelings for her ran deep, deeper than she thought was possible, in her mind she saw his heart, lifeless for so long but capable of so much love. Their release was exquisite, heightened by the others climax.
Ardara fell asleep; curled up in his arms, physically and emotionally drained. He had put her to bed; sitting in the main room he listened to her breathing. He had seen her mind, the power locked inside waiting to be set free, she knew she was changing, had known for a long time but afraid to let anyone know, unsure what was happening, how far it would go? Hell! what would the other Witches think when they found out, the clans to would need to be informed. Ardara, a Lamia Veneficus, Vampire Witch, there wasn't even a name to describe her, it had never happened before. There was one thing he was sure of, he would always love her.
The sky had turned darker the twin moons of Umbrae Mundous seemed brighter, like two huge spot lamps. She knew it hadn't, she was seeing things differently, the world and everything in it seemed sharper, clearer just as she felt the darkness coming towards her. The two bloods joking, mutating. She was no longer just a witch, neither was she just a Vampire. She still had all her powers but she also had Vampire gifts too, only time would tell how much. The night they had made love had proved that, never had she been able to read a Vampire's mind, feel their emotions, let them enter hers. The other thing she had was the ability to sense a presence, more than that in her mind she could see them....
"Hello Graverage"
"So it's true, you should have died"
"It was not meant to be"
"This time I won't fail" his anger so intense it almost hurt her. "I want the Grimoire, I know it's here"
"It's of no use to you, you cannot control it"
"No not I, another witch, I have friends"
"And then what, destroy our world, the mortal world, I can not allow that" He could just take it, rip the place apart till he found it, the place was probably protected with magic, he would have to get Ira and it took time, time that gave Ardara a chance to hide it elsewhere.
With a speed only Vampires had he was behind her, grabbing her arm he spun her round. "You will give me the book or....."
"Or what, you cannot do anything to me you have not already tried"
"Where's Antone, the traitor is normally with you, like a puppy...."
Antone is not here, you only have me to deal with" Graverage looked around, he didn't sense Antone, "Very well" he spat. His bite hadn't worked but their was other ways to kill a witch, a mortal with powers was still a mortal. Reading his thoughts Ardara backed off, he was right, she was a mortal or used to be, now she was not so sure, but Graverage didn't know that.
Antone had had enough; he had been here since eight. One more meeting then he would call it a night, tell anyone else waiting to come back tomorrow. His thoughts drifted, his arms round Ardara, kissing her soft lips, laying with her.... his body immediately reacted, his crotch throbbed with excitement. The night they had made love still nagged at him; they should not have been able to do that. Their minds and body merged together had heightened their desire, took it to a new he liked. He leaned back; yep, he liked it a lot. Images flashed through his mind, Graverage had hold of Ardara, hurting her. It wasn't a dream, jumping from his chair he turned into a bat and flew out the window.
His feet hadn't even hit the ground when he rushed at Graverage. Sensing his presence Graverage turned dealing Antone a blow to the stomach. Antone landed on the ground with a thud, instantly on his feet he rushed the man again. The two men rolled around the grass fists flying, each matching the other in speed and strength.
Ardara watched in horror as they seemed to be intent on killing each other, the book was doing it's job well, even locked away it caused havoc. She wanted to use her magic but the men were close to each other, she could hurt the wrong one. Anger and fear surged through her body; this book had caused enough trouble.
A golden glow light up the night...
The men turned and stared in silence. Ardara stood in the centre of the light, her eyes a mix of her own and Vampire. Antone could feel the power pulsing through her body, he entered her mind only to be pushed back by a force never felt before.
"Ardara?" She turned and looked at him then turned back to Graverage, "The Grimoire was born out of evil from fire, it will destroy all who try to control it, will destroy both our and the mortal world" The glow around her shimmered, "You are determined to take it, ruin everything we have worked for"
Coloured lights flew round her; an object appeared in front of her. "ARDARA DON'T!" Antone yelled. "Here take it" Ardara stepped back. Was this a trick, Graverage hesitated then slowly walked towards the book. Antone was stunned, what the hell was she doing, he made a move for Graverage, seeing Ardara shake her head he stopped. Graverage's hands slide over the pages, his laugh rung through the trees, finally it was his, looking at the words he understood none of it but no matter Ira would translate. He thought of all the things he would do, getting rid of that Witch and Antone was first on the list. Antone moved and stood beside Ardara, again he tried to enter her mind but found it locked to him. Ardara stepped forward, "You want it so much, have it"
A stream of light shot from her hands engulfing Graverage. He screamed as the lights turned from white to red, his body crackled as the lights jumped round him. Graverage couldn't move, his body was frozen still holding the book. A faint smell of burning permeated the air, his clothes smouldered then burst into flames, soon his whole body was ablaze. He had been so close, so very close, this was not meant to happen, she did not have the power. Antone watched in awe as the flames died leaving the remains still grasping the book. Pages started to move as if being turned by invisible hands, it stopped. A cloud of smoke emerged, coiling it's self round the corpse, it pulled Graverage into it's pages. "It's over" Antone sighed in relief. "Not quite" Ardara fired a hail of small globes towards the book.
Hitting the book with a bang they turned red. What Antone could only describe as electricity spread over the book, thick black smoke drifted from it's paged then burst into flames. Antone's jaw dropped, the power capable of destroying the Grimoire was immense. This was the reason she had survived the attack, something had intervened; the book untouchable by a simple witch was no match for the joined blood that ran through her vains. No longer a Witch but neither was she a vampire, combining the talents of both had made Ardara unique. He was glad she was on his side.... Finally the fire died, the only thing left of the Grimoire was ash.
"Now it's over" she mumbled as she buried her head in his chest. Antone held her tight; her body trembled at the strain of using such power, he suspected it was only the beginning, that she would grow stronger. Ardara inhaled deeply, she loved the smell of him, the strange mixture of death and mortality, the scent only a Vampire possessed. She had just gotten used to being a witch, learning all she could, now she would have to start again, learn her new abilities. But for now she had something else to do, anything else could wait. Taking Antone's hand she led him to the house.
Antone didn't need to read her mind to know what she wanted, gethering her in his arms he carried her through to the bedroom. Ardara's gaze never left his, her new eyes revealing her hunger. "So what happens now?" he asked as he sat her on the bed.
Her laughter filled the room, "We all live happily ever after"
"I could live with that" he whispered as he nuzzled her neck. Cupping his face in her hands she pulled him towards her, her lips pressed down on his, removing his jacket she let it fall to the floor and reached for his belt. "How long till sunrise" she asked seductively. "Long enough" he grinned wickedly as he reached for the ties on her dress.
Ardara opened the door, her mind free for him to wander, pulling him closer she explored his. His body already on fire grew more excited as he read her erotic thoughts; it was just as well the sun wouldn't be rising soon. Antone was glad he was Vampire, he had the feeling he would need all his stamina and ardour from now on.
Ardara smiled at his thought, well of course, she had Vampire blood in her now, they were going to be busy. Slipping into her he moaned as her warmth enveloped him, fitting perfectly, her own moans were soon replaced by squeals of delight.
They were going to be very busy....for eternity.
Ardara rose at sunrise, dressing she quickly grabbed an urn from the cupboard and went outside. The ash from the Grimoire sat where it had burned, not even the wind wanted to touch something so evil. Sweeping it up she poured it into the urn then closed the lid, casting a spell to lock it tight. In the tower she sat the urn on the floor, the light above casting weird shadows round the stone jar. The book was destroyed, burnt to a cinder but it wouldn't do any harm to play safe. Taking one last look she left to see to her chores. The urn sat, in time it would be covered by dust and cobwebs, locked away from the outside world.
In the dim light it would wait.
OMFG Iron Mum, I was bloody riveted to this.
ReplyDeleteFantasy, magic, romance, paranormal, you hit all the high water marks here, you have done yourself proud.
And was squeeeeing in my seat that Antone was not really dead, I was secretly hoping. Damn he is gorgeous.
Beautiful shots and wonderful use of poseboxes.
My jaw hit the keyboard when Graverage came out of the woods and bit her, that I did not expect, I love to be surprised!
Yow, your love scenes, sizzlin' hot, well done, mate.
Iron Mum, your world was well thought out, lush and interesting, all your characters well crafted.
Again, another stunning conclusion, great work with Ardara going medieval on Graverage's pale ass. Great effects!
This was stunning an many levels, take a bow!
Thank you for the wonderful comments, I have gone all red.
ReplyDeleteI was hoping that Antone would be a surprise.
Graverage's attack scene is thanks to Angs vampire pose box, there is two and I had to give them a try.
Please thank the wolf as he turned up one night and got a bit part.
Thank you again for your comment, to great praise from the best is fantastic.
Wow, I really enjoyed this and so glad to see Antone made it! Yes! lots of action and adventure and romance, really good Iron Mum...and great shots!
Hey Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteGood to see you and I'm delighted you liked it.
I had to do some fast thinking to make Antone rise from the ashes but I'm glad I did.
I've become hooked on Pose boxes and angles, I have that many shots I'm at risk of locking up my hard drive, really should go through them.
Awesome sequel. Incredibly grateful that you found a way for Antone to rise from the ashes - as soon as I saw the black hooded man I crossed my fingers and hoped! Once again the story gripped me and made me want to keep scrolling until I hit the end and then made me sad that there was no more. I have never been one for vampire stories, but this one may just change my mind!
ReplyDeleteHi Illandrya,
ReplyDeleteHopefully I have converted you to a Vampire fan.
I thought you would guess the hooded man was Antone but I wanted to leave that bit of doubt till the last, glad it worked.
I just couldn't let him die, I felt so guilty.