Gabe came round, remembering the horror her eye’s widened in terror “The blood, blood all over the place!” Wolf sat beside her “Its alright, it’s gone” he gently pushed her back down “Stay here” Thankfully when he found her she had just fainted, whatever she had seen had nearly scared her to death. In the bathroom he looked round, nothing, it was if it never happened. But there! Walking over to the corner he inspected the hole. It was small, made to look like tile damage and placed just above the wall but it didn’t seem right.
In the attic he manoeuvred round the junk and discarded furniture. Heading to where the bathroom would be he found his answer. On the floor sat a projector; it was wired to a car battery and some type of sensor. Picking the projector up he flicked the switch, blood started to ooze from the walls and rafters. Switching it off the images disappeared, so that’s how it was done. But why, who wanted to frighten Gabriella so much? Clasping the projector with both hands he squeezed tightly, cracking, the plastic easily gave in. Letting go the shattered pieces fell to the floor.
Wolf joined her downstairs. “Anything?” Gabe asked nervously. Sitting on the arm of the sofa he pulled her to him and explained what he had found. Gabe was confused, why “I don’t know” it was obviously placed by someone but whom and when, why hadn’t he picked up the scent? “Has anyone been here recently?”
Gabe didn’t think so “Just my cousin Sophie she was here about a week before me, she said she wanted something to remember Agnes by, when she arrived she found a broken window so had it repaired” That explained the lack of scent, no one had been here for a while and those that had their scent was long gone.
Gabe tried to push the visions of that night out of her mind but it wasn’t easy. Workmen tried to wire the house but every time they connected to the mains it blew, finally they gave up. Guess she’ll still be filling the barrel above the shower. With her bedroom and hall decorated the place started to feel like home and with some decent furniture it was more comfortable too. Despite the set backs and odd occurrences she loved the place. With the house near completion she started to scour the papers, time she went back to work.
Knowing that someone was frightening her made her feel better but something told her this was more than simple scare tactics. Putting the last of the lunch dishes on the drainer she decided a small walk would be a good idea, since her arrival she hadn’t once gone round her old hang outs, turning she stared in surprise. A missed cup floated above the table. It hovered for a moment then flew across the room smashing against the wall. Shaken Gabe glared at it unsure whether she should go near it. Finally she swept the pieces up. There was no reason for it to do that, no strings no special effects, it just floated then flew?
It started again; the noises that could be heard at night now followed her in the daylight. No matter how hard she looked she found nothing to explain them, whoever was scaring her was doing a damn good job. Wolf sensed her apprehension and got her to talk; if this was man made he wasn’t sensing it. He tried to persuade her to leave but she refused, there scare tactics were not going to work so they may as well give up. At night he could be with her, protect her but during the day, his concern was turning to anger.
Gabe feared the evening, the time between the setting of the sun and Wolf’s arrival. Alone in those hours she felt she was being watched, even with him there she couldn’t shake the feeling but felt safer with him. Heading for the bathroom, she felt ‘it’ a presence like before but darker, heavier. She didn’t want to turn round, to see what was there but something compelled her too. A black shape hovered in the corner as if watching her, she felt the anger, the hate and most of all she felt its greed. It pressed down on her, demanding she gave in, relent to its wishes. Cowering in the corner she tried to force it from her mind. Wolf’s voice called out to her, she heard the concern in his voice, she tried to answer but couldn’t. The darkness faded then vanished.
Wolf jumped the stairs, immediately at her side “What happened?” Gabe stared at the corner waiting for its return, realising it wasn’t coming back she threw herself at him “It was here again, the darkness”
Turning to where she had been looking he smelt the air, nothing. Lifting her into his arms he carried her down stairs “You must leave!” but she wouldn’t hear of it. Wolf didn’t want to go but he would rather she left and safe than stay and…..?
Turning to where she had been looking he smelt the air, nothing. Lifting her into his arms he carried her down stairs “You must leave!” but she wouldn’t hear of it. Wolf didn’t want to go but he would rather she left and safe than stay and…..?
A few days later Gabe entered the spare room, she hadn’t bothered with it but as the rest of the house was now finished it was time to tackle this one. Maybe she should make it a guest room, or turn it into a nursery. The last thought made her smile, children, Wolf’s children now she liked that idea. Unsure what to do with it she headed for the door. A floor board clunked; pulling back the carpet she discovered the board was deliberately loose. Lifting it up she found a box and inside was a diary, Agnes’s diary. Flicking through the pages she smiled at the pages describing the old woman’s childhood. Making a cuppa she curled up on the sofa and began to read. At first the pages were filled with daily chores and childhood dreams but as Agnes got older the pages turned darker.
Her face turned white. ‘I know its here, can feel it watching me, waiting. Sometimes it show’s itself, a shape so dark so evil it knows and wants nothing else but to claim, to own me. I fear that even in death I will not be free.’ So Agnes had felt it, had seen it, there was something here. The last page filled her with dread. 'I am to leave tomorrow, the ambulance will take me to the care home but I will not be going alone, the house won’t let me. I have left the house to my Niece, maybe she can stop this from carrying on, destroy whatever evil lurks here and if not destroy the house. I hope, pray she will succeed and if not God help her. Gabriella my dearest please forgive me’ The date of the last entry was ninth of September, the day she died.
Whatever had haunted here had followed her. Gabe put the book on her lap, what had the old woman done? She had honestly thought she could stop it, how, was everything happening the actions of this thing? Maybe she should get out, run. But it meant returning home, back to her Aunt and Uncle; she knew what they would say. No she would stay, fight it….for now.
Wolf read the pages she had marked, so that was the reason he felt nothing, he could not feel what effectively did not live. “That settles it, you’re out of here” Gabe shook her head “I have to stay, must stay and try and fight this, put and end to it” Wolf’s hand caressed her cheek “And what if you can’t mi amor" Taking his arm she sighed “Then….. I will leave”
Wolf wandered his home, the sun would rise soon but he couldn’t rest. He didn’t want to leave her not even for second. How could he fight what he couldn’t see? With all his abilities, all his strength it was impossible, he had to convince her to leave. Leaning against the fire he came to a decision, it was time, his secret had to come out, how she would take it he didn’t know but if things turned nasty which he suspected they would then it was best for him to tell her now than to find out the other way. Climbing the stairs he headed to his room.

Gabe had several interviews but so far no luck. Not wanting to spend her days inside she tackled the garden, trees trimmed hedges cut and plants down ready for spring. From the outside it was pretty, quaint, inside was a different matter. The Christmas decorations and festive cheer did nothing to ease the depressive weight that filled the rooms. With the last of the presents wrapped she made for the kitchen, putting the kettle on the stove she waited for the whistle. The sound of crashing had her running back to the living room. Her ornamental Santa lay on the floor. Placing it back on the fire place she felt she was being watched. Malicious eyes bore into her.
Cowering on the sofa she waited for nightfall, for Wolf. Why was he never around during the day when she needed him, she didn’t even have a contact number.
The darkness was growing in strength, no longer bound to the shadows, it watched Gabe hungrily, wanted her now but she was strong and resisted its call. It pressed down hard, its presence repulsive, it tormented her, threatened her. Gabe stayed put terrified to move in fear of what might happen, she felt the tears well up, the urge to run but it as if she was held to spot. Finally night came.
The darkness was growing in strength, no longer bound to the shadows, it watched Gabe hungrily, wanted her now but she was strong and resisted its call. It pressed down hard, its presence repulsive, it tormented her, threatened her. Gabe stayed put terrified to move in fear of what might happen, she felt the tears well up, the urge to run but it as if she was held to spot. Finally night came.
Wolf had sensed it, even for him it was not easy but through Gabriella he was able to feel it and it was Vile. If he could he would be sick, unable to help he waited, prayed it would do no harm. With the setting of the sun he was able to move the veil of night his ally. The sound of the door bursting open drove Gabe into action, jumping from her prison she ran into Wolf’s arms. Wolf gently quietened her, tried to wipe away her fears but she was hysterical. “I needed you but you never came” what could he say, sorry but I’m allergic to the sun! “Gabriella” Her body shook with fear, tears rolled down her face “NO, it’s tormenting me all the time but you’re never here in the day?”
Leading her to the living room he sat her down. “You wonder why I cannot come to you during the day, have you ever seen me eat, drink? Gabe shook her head, she hadn’t thought about it before but now? “Do you want to know how old I am?” She looked at him confused “You’re forty” Turning he faced the fire, what choice did he have? “Yes, at least that was my age at my time death” his voice became hoarse with emotion “I’m actually nine hundred and three” Gabe laughed weakly “Now that’s just silly” he was trying to make her feel better. Wolf hung his head “I wish I was, my full name is Amando Garwolf Talamaur Valdez , I was born in the twelve century……I am Vampire”
Gabe muffled a laugh; she thought he was the one, looks like she’d picked a cuckoo. Wolf knew she would react this way, his kind kept secret, hidden from the normal world. “Gabriella please, believe me” lifting his head. Gabe’s laughter turned to screams as Wolf’s eyes changed colour, the deep rich colour of night gone, replaced by an eerie red, two new teeth could be seen, long and pointed like fangs. With a speed only described as inhuman he was beside her “I wanted to tell you, at the beginning but I was worried, scared you would reject me”
Gabe’s shock slowly turned to manic laughter, he’s a Vampire, she’d fallen for a Vampire. “I will be leaving soon, I cannot stay in one place too long, it would raise to many questions, come with me?” Gabe looked him in the eyes “Get out!”
Gabe’s shock slowly turned to manic laughter, he’s a Vampire, she’d fallen for a Vampire. “I will be leaving soon, I cannot stay in one place too long, it would raise to many questions, come with me?” Gabe looked him in the eyes “Get out!”
“Gabriella I love you” How could he, she loved him “You lied to me, you’re not what I thought you were…..you’re not even human” her voice barely audible.
“Not true, I am Human, was Human…..” deep down he knew this would be her reaction but he had hoped. Moving towards he stopped in defeat as she recoiled from him “I will give you time, think, I leave at the end of the week if you’re not at the airport then I will have my answer”
Without another word he was gone. Gabe ran to her room, slamming the door with such force it vibrated round the house.
“Not true, I am Human, was Human…..” deep down he knew this would be her reaction but he had hoped. Moving towards he stopped in defeat as she recoiled from him “I will give you time, think, I leave at the end of the week if you’re not at the airport then I will have my answer”
Without another word he was gone. Gabe ran to her room, slamming the door with such force it vibrated round the house.
The house watched, delighted at what had unfolded, it would be easier now, much easier. With that thing, that creature gone it could take when it wanted, she had no choice, she belonged here….belonged to the house. Its presence intensified as if it knew she was at her weakest. She felt as if someone had torn her heart out. Day, night, it did not matter, she sat and watched the fire, not eating or sleeping. She missed him, his smell, his voice…..his touch. Now she was alone.
Gabe lay on the settee; her eyes fluttered with tiredness then fell. “Hello cousin” Opening her eyes she was surprised to see her cousin “Sophie, what are you doing here?”
Sophie smiled sweetly “I thought I’d visit” Gabe sat up, something about Sophie didn’t feel right “What is it you want, if it’s money you’ll have to wait till morning" Sophie laughed “Oh it is money, a great deal of money in fact all of it” What the hell was Sophie talking about? “All of it?” Sophie nodded. “Why did you get this place and the money, the old bat was my Aunt too but no, I got a few thousand and you got the bulk”
Sophie smiled sweetly “I thought I’d visit” Gabe sat up, something about Sophie didn’t feel right “What is it you want, if it’s money you’ll have to wait till morning" Sophie laughed “Oh it is money, a great deal of money in fact all of it” What the hell was Sophie talking about? “All of it?” Sophie nodded. “Why did you get this place and the money, the old bat was my Aunt too but no, I got a few thousand and you got the bulk”
Gabe looked at her cousin in confusion, was she mad because she didn’t get the house “Sophie, you hate this place….” Sophie’s laughter told her all. “You would have sold it!” The fire reflected against something in Sophie’s hand, something metal. “To right I will, just as soon as I get it”
Gabe stared at her Get it, how was she…….oh my God! “It was you, you that set that machine…to…to frighten me” Sophie laughed with delight “And it worked” Her cousin was acting strange “Look Sophie, about this house, there something you don’t know, something wrong with it…..” Sophie wasn’t interested “Like I care, there are plenty of people out there that will gladly buy this rotten old place” Raising the gun she aimed at Gabe.
Gabe stared at her Get it, how was she…….oh my God! “It was you, you that set that machine…to…to frighten me” Sophie laughed with delight “And it worked” Her cousin was acting strange “Look Sophie, about this house, there something you don’t know, something wrong with it…..” Sophie wasn’t interested “Like I care, there are plenty of people out there that will gladly buy this rotten old place” Raising the gun she aimed at Gabe.
Gabe screamed. “Goodbye dear cousin” Sophie fired…. Wolf crashed through the window pushing Gabe clear, taking the bullet he fell to the ground.“What, who…..” Sophie began to laugh. Kneeling beside him she looked at his wound “Wolf!” What had she been thinking, what did it matter what he was; she loved him with all her heart. Holding him tight she whispered “I’m sorry, I love you”
Wolf opened his eyes “Plenty of time for that later” he winked. Getting to his feet he glared at Sophie then softened as he watched the deranged woman laugh “I’m sorry Gabriella but she’s lost it” He turned to Gabe who was now looking behind him, her face white with fright “Aunt Agnes?”
Wolf opened his eyes “Plenty of time for that later” he winked. Getting to his feet he glared at Sophie then softened as he watched the deranged woman laugh “I’m sorry Gabriella but she’s lost it” He turned to Gabe who was now looking behind him, her face white with fright “Aunt Agnes?”
Agnes moved across the room as if being blown by a breeze, her feet barely touching the ground. “Come on, let’s get out of here” Wolf grabbed Gabe’s arm and dragged her to the door. Sophie’s manic laughter ceased as a gun shot echoed round the house. The room grew darker, the presence pressed down on them like a heavy weight. Wolf felt its malevolence, its hatred of him and its hunger for Gabe. Pushing her towards the door he yelled at her to get out. Grabbing the handle she pulled “Wolf it won’t open” her voice rising in panic, trying the back door she found it too stuck. The darkness shifted, turned towards her. Blind Terror took over, she ran. Upstairs she tried the windows, none would open the house wasn’t going to let her go. Agnes appeared just as Wolf reached her.
“Wolf we’re trapped” Looking towards the stairs he felt before he saw it, new that route was blocked. Agnes moved towards them her face showed remorse, sadness. There was only one way out.
The house had control, wouldn’t give up without a fight and this fight it would win. How dare this unholy, this animal keep it from what it owned, he would teach him a lesson. Wolf fell to the ground, the pressure in his head made it feel as if it would explode. Regaining his feet he started to push the thing back, block it from his mind. Running to the window he punched through the glass sending shards flying, seizing Gabe he jumped.
Gabe sat in the garden enjoying the Mediterranean evening; the air heavy with the perfume of flowers attracted the fireflies that flew around like tiny floating candles. Wolf, his hair and skin damp from his shower lent over and kissed her “Happy” Gabe sighed with contentment “Very” looking up she smiled at him “Do you think it will be alright?” Planting a kiss on her nose he nodded “Yes, you’re Lawyer has the keys and strict instructions not to let anyone enter for any reason”
“I know but…..” as hard as she tried she couldn’t shake the feeling that it was not over. Walking over to the steps she stared at the pool, the water shimmered as the moonbeams became trapped under the surface. Wolf followed sensing her fears and held her tight “It can not get you, you are with me….I will never let anything happen to you”
“I love you” Wolf whispered huskily “Are you sure, I mean….what I am?” Gabe faced him and looked into his eyes “Show me”
Hesitating at first he nodded and closing his eyes allowed his other self to show through. Gabe looked deep into his eyes, eyes of a hunter but to her they were of a lover, her lover. The sharp fangs winked at her as he smiled. “You know what you told me, about Vampires and their abilities” Wolf placed his head against hers “Yes” he knew what was coming next, his blood surged forward, his groin ached. Taking him by the hand she whispered “Show me”
Hesitating at first he nodded and closing his eyes allowed his other self to show through. Gabe looked deep into his eyes, eyes of a hunter but to her they were of a lover, her lover. The sharp fangs winked at her as he smiled. “You know what you told me, about Vampires and their abilities” Wolf placed his head against hers “Yes” he knew what was coming next, his blood surged forward, his groin ached. Taking him by the hand she whispered “Show me”
The house sat.
Its eyes no longer bright with light, with life. It watched the landscape, the cousin had been easy, weak. It had fed her greed, her anger, entered her mind and twisted her thoughts till she was little else than a shell but the silly girl had messed up. That thing didn't help it got in the way and ruined it, that night creature was an enemy, its enemy and had to be destroyed. For now it was sated, for now it would wait...she would be back. It had her cousin and grinned when they carried her lifeless body away for her body was a mere vessel which was now empty for it had her soul.
Mrs Bloomfield opened the door "Alice will you please give me a hand!" The teenager grabbed a box "Fine" she grumbled as she stomped up the path "Honestly Alice" Janet sighed, sometimes she despaired of her daughter.
Part three, Hunger
Part three, Hunger
Oh my. Wonderful. Again, I LOVED the lighting, and dear God, Wolf is gorgeous!! Did you make him? If not, where did you get him!! Stunning sim!
ReplyDeleteEffectively creepy, esp. that last shot of the house, sitting, waiting. Almost sneering.
Great use of poseboxes, I loved the shot of cousin Sophia holding the gun behind her back. It is amazing what poses you can get when you put a prop in a sims hand (like a gin, or cigarette) and use different pose boxes!
This was entertaining Iron Mum, your writing wonderful. Brilliant.
You could easily continue. Are you? Cheers mate!
Hi Drew,
ReplyDeleteI'll tell you a secret....the House is only just starting. Things get really nasty till finally.....?
Not telling.
I've fallen in love with pose boxes, I found that if I mix the about I can get different poses (If you miss out the bits that don't gell right)
I get most of my Sims from simstyle an Italian site that has some gorgeous hunks, I never could make them myself.
Glad you liked it.
So it's the house that's evil. Possessing weaker ones who enter it, but too scare Gabe? There must be more to it and I'm sure there is! ;)
ReplyDeleteGlad to see Gabe accepted Wolf for who he is. He is her knight in shining armor...or vampire! lol
Your shots are simply wonderful, loving all the poses you get your sims into.
Looking forward to part 3.
Hi Jennifer and thank you for your comment.
ReplyDeleteThe house has its reasons for wanting Gabe but you won't find out yet.
Part 3 will be up soon and is not for the squeamish.