
Updates and thoughts.

I was watching one of my favourite heavy metal channels the other day and drooling over the men when it hit me, all of them are younger than me! Oh my God I'm getting old, yes I know it comes to us all but I hadn't thought of it till I realised how young this bands are, bands like Iron Maiden and AC/DC which I loved listening too in the 80's (Still do) are now in their 60's.... Do I care about my age... not really, I'm the same as I was as a teen but with a few more lbs and things are not where they used to be, gravity sucks, my greying hair is by the way dyed at the moment a purplish colour, I still like to rock and buy the kerrang mag skid across the floor in my socks and do other crazy stunts. My daughter was getting her hair done and the hairdresser said I was mad..... good I like mad. I still like to do strange things like giving my mum a book called 'Wrinkles, wit and wisdom' for her 70 birthday which she loved besides she knows I'm not the mushy type. Basically I may be getting on but I am still me and happy to be me.

I have updated both stories The circle is Here while the shot below is from Buried Alive which is Here there's something going on between Vlad and Maddy but will it work out.

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About Me

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Tain, Ross-shire, Scotland, United Kingdom
I'm married, three kids and two grandkids, I'm also mad as a hatter.


Here you will find my stories made with the Sims 2, most of them will be about Vampires as I am completely nuts on them but anything I can think of will proberly end up here, I fell for the game when my eldest daughter came home with Sims 1.
As well as my stories I love horror and scifi movies.
I'm also a metel head and enjoy most heavy metel from Iron Maiden, Slipknot to Epica and Nightwish, oh! I suppose I should mention I'm married with three kids.
Warning! my stories will contain bad language, sex and violence, hell! you can't have a good story without them.
