
Updates and sad news

Sadly I lost Ben on  Saturday night. He had been unwell for several days and I new the time was near but I never expected him to go down so quick. Thursday he made the effort to walk with me and Kahless albeit very slowly and on Friday he was managing to get up and go out. By Saturday evening he was unable to walk and it was obvious it was the end so we made the 14 mile trip to the vets which was the last thing I wanted to do as he hated cars. Ben never made a sound not even when we carried him into the surgery another hate of his. The Vet confirmed what I suspected, his mind was willing but his body wasn't and was slowly shutting down. My and Hubby stayed with him while he was put to sleep which turned out to be no easy thing as it took three shots, the Vet said he'd been given the dose that would knock out a cow, I had to smile at that even old and worn out he was still strong and stubborn. We waited till he was asleep then said goodbye and left allowing the Vet to give the final injection.
The house isn't the same without him and although Kahless has paid no attention to him not being around on our nightly free run he waits for him as he always did (normally to pounce on him) It will take time to adjust to no longer having my boys and just my boy and although the Vet gave me advice on getting another dog I'm not thinking about it just now.

Ben - June 1999 - Jan 2012
RIP Old Man

I've finally managed to update The Circle HERE and Buried Alive HERE. I have started to catch up with everyone's blogs too but it's gonna take time but I'll get there.


  1. Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that. I actually understand how your feeling right now because we just said goodbye to our dog on Monday.
    She was sick for three days and wasn't getting any better, turns out it was kidney failure. She was 16 and she was also a fighter. Gee, I miss her though and your right about the house not being that same. There are so many memories here, almost everything I do and every room I go into reminds me of her.

    What a lovely boy yours is and I'm sure you gave him a wonderful life. It's a shame that our time with them has to come to an end. My thoughts are with you. *hugs*

  2. 16 is a very good age for a dog yet it will still hurt, it sad to see them go especially when they look at you with those big brown eyes.
    It's the things we take for granted we miss the most.

    Ben and Kahless's bed sat at the bottom of the stairs and every morning the first thing I saw was Ben (Kahless took to sleeping in the living room) Even going for walks isn't the same, no Ben crying and whining in the hopes of getting me to hurry up or the way he stretched out in the kitchen floor preventing you from getting things done and yes even when he was out off lead the way he disappeared(which drove me nuts) only to find him hovering at the gate waiting for me. He was big for a lab nearly as big as Kahless who's a shepherd but the wimpiest dog I knew, it was me and my boys and it's strange not looking that way now.

    Passing the tissues so we can cry together....hugs...


About Me

My photo
Tain, Ross-shire, Scotland, United Kingdom
I'm married, three kids and two grandkids, I'm also mad as a hatter.


Here you will find my stories made with the Sims 2, most of them will be about Vampires as I am completely nuts on them but anything I can think of will proberly end up here, I fell for the game when my eldest daughter came home with Sims 1.
As well as my stories I love horror and scifi movies.
I'm also a metel head and enjoy most heavy metel from Iron Maiden, Slipknot to Epica and Nightwish, oh! I suppose I should mention I'm married with three kids.
Warning! my stories will contain bad language, sex and violence, hell! you can't have a good story without them.
